Every time I have reached out to any political part (through email, the safest means possible), all I have received in response is requests for money. All of the suffering I have detailed, which prevents me participating in democracy as a Canadian citizen, conveniently ignored. The doctors, counselors, therapists view violence as "physical" - a stance completely backwards and ignorant of Buddhadhamma, which shows quite plainly in the "western mental healthcare" implementation. I have told many, many people that I experienced a genocide in Singapura 1990s-2005, they don't view this as a matter of concern which might have the capacity to damage and destabilize democracies.

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How can we help to influence this vote?

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Oct 19, 2022·edited Oct 19, 2022

It is good to get this story out there. The pure hypocrisy is breathtaking.


Are "failines" what you call unsuccessful cats?

Also, with "didn’t have access to the party’s membership race" I think you mean "membership list".

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There is a screaming need for a new political party on the left, all across the country. It must be explicitly anti capitalist but also anti "woke" and anti "ecofascist".

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