Aug 29, 2023Liked by Nora Loreto

Stop Sprawl Students started out of a class at McMaster this winter. Upon seeing the control the university was exerting over their messaging, they started their own independent group. It is just getting started. Follow here on IG:https://www.instagram.com/stopsprawlstudents/ Last term, from their class project they collected almost 1900 signatures from McMaster students on a petition to stop Ford's land grab.https://www.change.org/p/show-that-mcmaster-students-support-stop-sprawl-hamilton?recruited_by_id=0c5bc140-4ef4-11ed-aa53-a7f73f84ba76&utm_medium=custom_url&utm_source=share_petition The saving of farmland is a good entry point for many as it operationalizes climate woes in a way that future charts and graphs don't. People can materially see or imagine the change in their landscape when farmland is paved. Over 80,000 acres are set to be paved by boundary expansions in Halton, HamOnt, Durham, York and Peel as well as the Greenbelt Grab. McMaster Divest has been an amazing organization too. This winter they had a hunger strike which received national attention. Clr. Alex Wilson in Hamilton has been advocating to StopSprawl youth about the importance of the youth movement in 20th century social justice movements too. Thanks for writing this today Nora

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Where world Quebec Solidaire be without the Student led uprising because of tuition fees? As someone going into University this year as a mature student, I will be on the lookout for these Trends you highlight.

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QS would probably be nowhere, honestly.

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When I was in Uni, a long time ago now, I organized under OPIRG. Is that still a thing? Has it been co-opted by administration?

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Yes there are still PIRGs but the Student Choice Initiative battered them too. I know of some active ones still but I don't know if they're as powerful as they have been in the past.

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I do not understand the headline. "Wherefore" means "Why".

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Aug 29, 2023Liked by Nora Loreto


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