Police in most places are the occupation force set up by the ruling oligarchy. In neocolonial Canada, there are even less restrictions on them than in other places. Ending arbitrary assaults and killings by police means ending the oligarchy. It means setting up a democracy. There are some limited examples of how a police service would work in an actual democracy.

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What would you have done?

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I think that's an interesting question because it implies that I would have shot him too. I don't really understand why we have an entire group of people here who are armed to deal with dangerous individuals and who *are not* supposed to shoot them but then they get the benefit of the doubt because, hey, wouldn't we all shoot him? goes the logic.

So, let's say that I'm a cop but I lost my gun. I'd be talking with him. I'd probably sit on the pavement and talk calmly and not make any sudden movements and make sure he can see my hands. I'd maybe ask him questions and suggest that he sit down wherever he is too, and throw the knife away. And then keep talking. And insist that everyone else who was with me would also sit down on the ground where they were and that no one would come near him without explaining clearly what is going on.

Now, if I had a gun and for some reason I didn't choose de-escalation, I probably wouldn't be aiming for the guy in the torso if I did shoot him. I'd aim more for the foot.

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This verdict made me want to throw up. We are so f***d by the police system.

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