"Which is true! Unless I’m walking around near cars."

Truly a kindred spirit.

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I joined *after* the Musk purchase, out of morbid curiosity.

It’s been educational, still worth it for getting news and alt-news at the same time,

but increasingly not worth the stress “if you are real.”

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If you leave the platform I probably would give it up. You're definitely one of the accounts I look at regularly for actual news

and some healthy shitposting lol

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I'm teatoasttea btw on twitter

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haha i've never had my shitposting called healthy! Thanks.

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I stay on Twitter because it is still a source of alternative news that the mainstream news is not covering, especially about things like the ongoing genocide in Gaza and the West Bank.

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It's interesting that you would post this the day after people on Twitter complained that you had trashed someone after he was killed trying to help people in Gaza. Don't get me wrong. Much of what you said was true. GoFundMe is totally for White people. Canadian society totally values white, ex-military men more than brown children. It wouldn't surprise me if said white ex-military guy was homophobic or transphobic. But he was there. Dead or alive, he was doing objectively good for the people in Gaza. But, according to you and your French-language podcasts, he said some bad things about some people. Maybe he did and maybe he didn't. But you certainly did. But why? That's the fascinating part. His death was something that united left and right wing people against Israel. Maybe Lantsman's quip about "suicide vests" didn't work with some of those people this time. And yet you decided that this was the time you needed to step in and try to keep people divided. Is it better that people are divided over things like trans rights instead of being united against a genocide? But Twitter's the problem, right?

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If you're going to come to my Substack to lie about me, have the balls to post what I actually said so that people can see that you're blowing smoke. Go on -- what exactly did I say to "trash" this guy?

Also, very funny that you're too cowardly to use your real name to have a conversation about anonymity.

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I follow you on Twitter. I might sound odd but i enjoy reading your posts and opinions. I use your position taken on a range of subjects as to be the reasonable person in real life that the law refers to as the objective standard (general truth). When i see the most vile responses to your latest tweet i usually do several things; mute most tweets and block the obviously noxious tweets.

I agree that some of the anonymity offered by X and other popular social media may prompt the person to respond with vulgarity and with explicit language that is meant to shut down the OP and others. However, it has been my limited experience that those individuals who respond to you and others like you with vile language and antagonistic behaviour are like that in real life. There is no white washing (ahem after the fact) that in any way. X is a real space on the world wide network and that behaviour is exalted and encouraged by the owner.

I am a late arrival at X. March 2020 just before the first lockdown. lol. I had completed my first month of being smoke free at that point. it was an interesting experience. Anyways, whatever decision you make, i will follow where you go. Peace

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Je suis sincèrement étonné que des gens y soient encore.

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Les grands médias sont toujours là ... pour moi, c'est un grand parti pourquoi je suis toujours là.

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