I agree public money should not be poured in the media but if they take money from me for the media then my question becomes where is my money.

We probably would have better corporate media if they had to survive on what people pay for their content.

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Most of the DeadStream media shrilly supports the practise of free enterprise, yet when it comes to them the public is expected to subsidise them. Producing news for the public seems to be a concept beyond them, This has left room for the alternate media, Most end up produce content for no profit or even money a few are able to collect together enough paying subscribers to make money -they make money because they produce worthwhile content - not news grabbed from a wire service. Most are like me and receive no money but,if the dreadstream is subsidized from the public purse, I too expect money. Why is there never consideration for the news providers outside of the legacy news to be paid by the same taxes we not only pay but are going to the deadstream legacy press

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I don't think that public money should be poured into corporate media.

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