You’re the best. Don’t ever change..!

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Like Israel and it's agents in North America and Europe, they are well-seasoned gas-lighters. They will not - because they cannot - deal with the issue. All they know is attack the messenger (much like Poilievre). If they were able to be shamed they would now be hiding red-faced under the covers. Unfortunately, they know that gas-lighting works and outfits like CBC, CTV, Global, etc. are happy to go along.

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Wow, congrats Nora!

Ya beat me. You hit a triple. Lilley never came after me while I was at the Star because he was still at Rebel News or something, before he became Doug Ford's p.r. boy. Warren Kinsella? Coward. used to attack me regularly in the Post. Now he blocks me because I think he's ascared of girls. As Jonathan Kay, who used to have a career? Not worth thinking about. And his mother too.

You go girl.

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I am so glad you’re out there saying all the things we want to say.

I’m so sorry you have to deal with all the nonsense it attracts.

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Sadly this will never end. There are too many of us who either turn a blind eye/ear or who actually participate in this kind of gaslighting and drivel. Sorry you have to be a target to get your words out.

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Hi Nora, love your work and appreciate your voice during this time and always. Thanks for being brave and being true.

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Blowb job? Is that a way to get past the c3nsorbots?

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