Very good article! Hope everyone will forgive a trivial pedantic correction: it's the Massasauga rattlesnake, not Mississauga, and it's the only venomous snake native to Ontario (I mean the genuine reptile-type snake, not the Doug Ford variety.) Far from extinct, it is found in the Georgian Bay area. West Parry Sound Health Centre operates the Provincial Massasauga Rattlesnake Anti-venom Depot. And accofding to Conservation Halton, "...there are no rattlesnakes at Rattlesnake Point. Massasauga Rattlesnakes can be found in Ontario, but not at Rattlesnake Point. The park was named Rattlesnake Point because, from above, the stretch of escarpment within the park looks like a snake."

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Hello, Nora. Very good short piece. I think it complements something longer which I wrote two days ago. Here. https://timrourke.substack.com/p/noticing-that-ford-is-corrupt Worth a restack.

We agree that the present political system is designed for corruption. I think it is becoming obsolete because of neoliberalism. The more genteel older kind of corruption has become passe.

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Thanks Nora. Family compact history is all new to me. Would like to read more!

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