Thank you, thank you. If nothing else, Israel’s crimes have laid bare the cowardice, the criminal conspiracy, the hypocrisy of so many, especially including politicians, journalists, and pretend progressives. The facts you lay out and your analysis are brilliant.

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I completely agree, but will add that regulatory capture, concentration of media ownership, and the conflicts of interest that exist in academia, and elsewhere, were at the root of the silencing of dissenting opinion during the pandemic as well. Of course, if one happened to agree with the official narrative, they would not have cared that people raising legitimate questions about the lab leak hypothesis to the efficacy of the public health measures to the safety of the vaccines, were being silenced, censored, and sometimes vilified. Fear and propaganda convinced people that these dissenting voices not only needed to be silenced, in some cases they needed to lose their jobs. What we're seeing now (and what we saw with Ukraine, and with the pandemic) are all part of this same playbook.

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Covering the news media at times like this is incredibly revealing. Every "balanced" news piece covering the MASSIVE demonstrations has downplayed it as much as possible. Global fires a Palestinian for drawing attention to the genocide. All the columnists can do is fart through a megaphone with their heads in the sand. At the very least, you have to applaud their gymnastics.

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Nice article, Ms. Loreto.

I'm curious if this is part of a general "dumbing" down of political dialogue?

[ ] approved opinion or

[ ] not approved opinion is enough now?

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