It's a strange, quirky, fantastic world we get to live in when the self-cherishing attitude of those who are fortunate enough to get an education creates privilege-bubbles for them to exist in, while those who are given a delusion masquerading as an education flounder not knowing what a mind even is. I am so thankful each and everyday for Lord Buddha Shakyamuni's struggle to understand the root of suffering and to teach The Four Noble Truths, and The Noble Eightfold Path to achieve the cessation of suffering. I am so thankful each and everyday that I accepted the suffering of loneliness, isolation, ostracization as a child so that I could suffer, with love, towards truth as an adult with my basic humanity, mindfulness and self-awareness assembled for myself, by myself. I take all of your suffering past, present, and future (before I even complete typing this out), and give to you all of my joy and happiness.

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So I want to point out that there is an element of under reporting on the PHAC website. I know a lot of people who experienced side effects (ranging from shingles, tinnitus, hearing loss etc to more severe such as atrial fibrillation). Not one person has their side effect included in PHACs data. Reasons range from - experiencing a side effect immediately after 2nd dose and telling the nurse who gave the shot and the nurse checking list and saying I can’t report that because it’s not on my list of side effects to more serious side effects that when trying to even ask doctors or specialists - could this be linked to the vaccine and NO ONE literally not a single health care provider will even acknowledge the question. The question is ignored. No one is even open to considering there might be a linkage. It’s just oh we don’t know why you suddenly have a heart condition let’s just keep testing to see if you had Covid - nope negative - well we just don’t know. It’s to the point where there are so many people I know personally who had side effects I am skeptical of the official numbers and data.

As for deaths I don’t know enough to comment but I can’t help but think that data may be off as well. To what scale I don’t know.

There are people like me who are skeptical of the vaccine and did not take it. That does not make me some right wing nut job. It makes me someone who based on my job, knowledge and observations weighed the risk factors and made a different decision that you. In the beginning actually reviewed one of the studies touted as evidence the vaccine was safe during pregnancy and it raised a number of red flags for me. It was the final straw that made me say 100% no not getting that vaccine.

What I do find strange is given your political views how you were not more critical and questioning of the profit motive driving the corporations acceleration of this technology. Where there are incentives to cut corners big corporations often will.

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Thank you for this, I have anti-vaxx family members and it has been ROUGH.

So much misinformation out there. As usual, you are a breath of fresh air.

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Hello, Nora. It seems you and I recently put out blogposts on a similar topic. You talk about the main malfunction of 'covid is fake' and 'vaccines are bad' people. I get into the powerful interests which create permission for such mentality. Here it is; https://adultsincharge.blog/2023/02/27/the-vexations-of-antivax-nation/ Of course, we should boost each other, so I will now go and retweet your thing, maybe crosspost it. Blogging is fun.

But as for relatives who are completely disconnected from reality, I can sympathize with that, too. I have a few such people shaking my family tree. You are right, these kinds of people will always be there, but they start to cause real damage when there is social breakdown like we have now. Governments are not able to lead. There is no dependable information source, no standard of truth.

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Actually, I should not use the phrase, "standard of truth" with its Mormon connotation. Say "public voice"

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Right up there with your finest work .. muchos gracias !

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