thanks... i am a canuck my whole life, living on vancouver island.. here is what i said on another substack.. i think it is worth repeating here..

dismantle nato... nato is the cause of all of this and of course nato is a cia creation for use against russia... a cold war relic that the war, banking and energy industries have held dearly for fear of losing their position at the front of the trough.. without nato things would go back to normal...a lot of people, thanks the western msm corporate run media - continue to be fooled by this... russia has no need to hurry anything... nato has its own self destruct module built inside of it since its inception..

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Right said James.

I suspect if NATO didn't exist there would just be another vehicle stood up by the end of the next quarter. There is sooooo much money to be made.

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yes, that is probably true... i don't know how many canucks know this, but there was a fellow running for the green party leadership 2020 ( dimitri lascaris) that had as part of their platform to stop being in nato... he came in 2nd behind annamie paul.. they went for the 'politically correct' choice that ticked off all the boxes - black, female, jewish and etc. etc.. the party imploded shortly thereafter..

maxine bernier also advocates for this... at this point in my life - i am in my late 60's - i have completely lost faith in this 2 party canuck system of liberals or conservatives.. i used to always vote ndp or green party - now i am thinking more radical.. we need proportional representation and the major parties are totally opposed to it - for the same reasons of wanting to retain power at all costs..

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Look at the Greens in Germany though: Not a war they don't like and so much sway due to PR.

I think start a meta party that apes some better policies of other parties without the ideology and support only practical things, plus peace internationally. Candidates disavow holding any cabinet position so the whips have no sway. All communication between candidates and other party members would have to be public or disregarded. (Unless dealing with individuals) So there would be transparency if there was horse trading for votes. Just a crazy thought.

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well, i would prefer not to look at the greens in germany with baerbock as their present leader... she and the greens are a real embarrassment, but i suppose this is a part of the larger problem, isn't it? what is ecological about war and yet the greens of germany - and probably canada - are all in for continuing to support ukraine at any cost... clearly something doesn't add up here - but again the war industry profits... people need alternative choices to what they are being given and they really need an honest press that doesn't present world events in these black and white colours that leave out grey and all the other colours too..

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Thank you thank you thank you. I feel weird everytine I see propaganda "for Ukraine" (for lack of a better way to phrase this) and I never know how to articulate it. This is it.

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Pierre Trudeau would turnover in his grave if he knew his son had become an American sycophant supporting their forever wars in protecting US hegemony.

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Thank you for being such an elegant voice for peace.

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We would do well to cease agression, or even admit to what the state/church has done and continues to do, on the territories of Indigenous People here in Canada. Distracting ourselves with solving injustices elsewhere benefits corporations only and no humans here. Consider how much of our forests that are burning are on crown lands and are under-protected by any level of government while we buy arms for another imperial war. We are defined by the actions/inactions and not the words of our “leaders”.

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On the topic of Indigenous Peoples of Canada, please don't forget the CANADIAN GOVERNMENT and Power Centers, including the Churches, were the dirty hands that choked the life out of the Indigenous Peoples.

And all those Canadians who were Unjustly Enriched are hiding in the background as the bill is harnessed onto the shoulders of the Canadian Middle Class.

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The one who is talking now for peace is baddly informed or paid by russia (or both). Any negociations with russia are a joke. Russians will disregard any responsibilities they had assumed at once when it will be profitable for them. It happened before, it will happen again. Just reminding than according to Budapest memorandum russia is responsible for...protecting Ukraine's souverenity! Just listen to that! Russia which invaded Ukraine, tortured and killed thousands there, organised genocide and kidnapping kids is responsable for protecting Ukraine's souverenity. Yes, that was a result of another negociations. Sounds relyable? To summerise, the only thing russia understands is the force. They are weak now, loosing in a war they thought would be fast winning so they lounched those propaganda voices about peace and negoviations. The piece will be when russia capitulates. Thank you

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Thank you for the absolutely correct comment! The voices talking about negotiations are either paid for by Russia, or they do not understand anything about what is really happening. Russia is a country of terrorists and murderers, and negotiations with terrorists are impossible.

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In a serious dispute, if you rule out negotiations, you are in fact limiting yourself to war. Is that what you really want?

If we roll back the calendar a bit, when NATO gave the green light to Ukraine joining NATO, Russia shook the diplomatic tree---diplomatically talking to major European powers, NATO and the US.

Russia proposed treaties and asked what we meant when we signed agreements stating we would not expand NATO at the expense of Russia's security. (Canada signed that too, btw., but we were busy training Ukrainian troops for the next dust up.)

The parties Russia attempted to negotiate with followed your advice, and we got war war, not jaw jaw.

Perhaps not everyone that does not hold your views is badly informed?

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Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party operate a Dictatorship nearly as nasty as in Russia. Putin has to go to the poles and persuade Russian voters. And Putin controls much of Russian Media, just as Trudeau controls TV stations, Radio, and the Internet.

The author rightly declared, "speak anything but the Party song and the clubs come out". Never, ever suggest an alternative to Political Thuggery, in it's quaint yet nasty Canadian style. It is not in vogue and Verboten. Red letter, shunning, madness of the Canadian crowd. Canadian anchors mindlessly droning on "approved" messages, no discussion.

Canadians, every one, should be ashamed of how a once great, reasoned, diplomatic nation has now become just another War Mongering, drum beating, zealot for blood.

As much as I didn't like Chretien, I was proud to see his courage in telling Dubya Bush that Canada wasn't participating in the American "Weapons of Mass Destruction" Lie and Slaughter of innocent Iraqis.

But now Canada, under Trudeau, seeking approval of U.S. and European War Mongers, jumped feet first into arming and financing the Ukraine Dictator, who was elected on the promise of Peace with Russia ! Amazing how an arrogant, quick-to-anger Prime Minister, lacks the capacity to understand the centuries of fighting in Eastern Europe.

Russia will not lose this war. It cannot.

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'No reasonable way to say that what Russia is doing is good..' ?

When Russia is Defending?

When Russia fights side by side with people who asked for its help?

When Russia, side by side with these people, stands on THEIR land and not on anyone else's?

When there's not a single Russian boot on land it was not welcomed onto, invited onto and wherein people were not persecuted?

When Russia is leading a fight against an American regime that has a decades long list of destruction and evil around the world?

You betray your insane illogical bias in your second paragraph, before you even get warmed up.

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Thanks for this. People need to wake up to this sad sad and so dangerous affair.

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I take it, this is your "I'm Spartacus" moment? Be assured that Justine's regime is keeping a tally of the tens of thousands of quiet resistors who limit their defiance to carefully worded essays, however far from the sensitive controlled-platforms. (I applaud each and every one of you.) Canadian resistance to the NATO - Russia War exists in many forms, and cumulatively it hamstrings Justine and her military advisors in Ottawa. When Jean Chretien committed our Armed Forces to the NATO war in Afghanistan, almost 700 soldiers, (many of whom had hoped to slide a safe career path to a hefty pension package), quietly left the military. Currently almost 25.000 "jobs" in the Canadian Forces are going begging. The numbers, specific to the Combat Arms, are of course a military secret. Clearly many thousands of Canadians who formerly wore a uniform, share your opinion of the current NATO war. Bravo! As for those Maple idiots deployed to Poland, Latvia and afloat in the Baltic... they can burn in hellfire. I for one, look forward to photos of Canadian "teeth" on the ground, before the year is out. The Canucks, the Krauts, the Brits and the Yankees cannot be allowed to callously wash Ukrainian guts down the the sewer. NATO meat must also be bled into that black pit of death. This vile project must be punished severely. Justine owes a blood debt.

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What a terribly ill-informed, ignorant (and devoid of any ethical stance) commentary, Nora.. There are only two things that do stick upon reading it by someone who actually knows a bit about both parties to the conflict (yes, I'm referring to Russia-Ukraine war), Canada's national security, and geopolitics, more broadly. "I’m not an expert in Russia or Ukraine" and "Wars end when the aggressor is forced to realize that there’s nothing in it for them to keep it going. Diplomacy is a process to ensure the aggressor comes to understand this", except for, dear Nora, diplomacy here means negotiations to ensure Ukraine's rapid-fire accession to NATO, a defensive block, which is the only way to ensure that terrorist criminal russian regime won't dare to attack it again, even after the crashing military defeat, which we're being a witness to (50% of russian military capabilities have been destroyed already, per UK armed forces chief's this week's statement: https://www.ft.com/content/8cd1c388-6fb9-497b-a8a9-14b6ea21ede2). Only in the head of useful idiots and putin's apologists russia is winning, even after an almost-successful coup attempt by Wagner in russia itself two weeks ago ! As for your essential argument that Canada should not care: I suggest that you study geography better before attempting to grasp the basics of geopolitics. Russia is Canada's #1 strategic military threat (hint: from the North). By investing in Ukraine (unsure how much you do pay in taxes, but thanks for acknowledging your contribution, regardless!) Canada reaps off tons of ROI from the military standpoint. Only defeated russia (yes, militarily, only bc NOTHING ELSE WORKS, DUDE!) guarantees that there is a prospect of a more peaceful world. Not only in Ukraine (which you care very little about, frankly, otherwise, you'd have done everything you could to bring a JUST PEACE, not a cease-fire benefiting russia giving it a breathing space to regroup), but also Georgia, Moldova, Syria, Central African Republic, Mali, the DRC, ..the list goes on (for it accounts for all the post-Soviet republics which russia has plans to invade, but hasn't yet, for it's stuck in Ukraine). P.S. Any parallels drawn to Iraq war are inappropriate. An elected government of Ukraine has officially requested assistance from the USA as a guarantor of its sovereignty and territorial integrity under the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, under which the Clinton Administration -in favor of russia- pushed Ukraine to surrender the world's top 3d nuclear arsenal. The USA as a creator and upholder of international norms (yes, in favor of democracies and benefiting ultimately the States themselves, as well as Canada where you conveniently live) is interested in avoiding the creation of a precedent where a voluntarily denuclearized state gets attacked by the nuclear power and has lost it. I don't have more time to dismantle your factual errors (spelling, too), logical fallacies and other statements, which do align with pro-kremlin narratives (hence, the objective and just accusations thrown your way)

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Simply arming ones self with facts, by reading other sources, by viewing the video available, by critical thinking alone, one can discern that Ukraine is being annihilated in this war, Zhen. By ignorantly clinking to the insidious but worthelss MSM version of "facts" you are willinfuly making yourself ignorant. Your entire essay is worthless, you are clearly a troll seeking attention. Please stop posting, and kindly apologize to the nearest tree for metabolizing oxygen that you breathed in the last 8 hours.

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- NATO is not a defensive block. Largely because its biggest contributor, the United States, has waged overt and covert aggressive wars for decades, including after the end of the Cold War. Regardless, if Russia says that it views NATO as a threat, which it does, then that view must be taken into consideration. Even if you hate Putin, that does not change that he is the official head of the country on the other side of the trench.

- These estimates of Russia's military capabilities are totally unreliable. Whenever convenient, such figures are trotted out and manipulated. Fact is, Russia's military has supposedly been destroyed nearly every week since around March 2022, or it has run out of missiles, etc, etc. It's just no longer compelling to hear these claims after 1.5 years of war.

- Russia is Canada's number one threat at the moment, though I am sure that when the time is right it will be China. Always there is an evil force that justifies more military spending and killing. Although it is a good point that as the war continues to escalate, there may be some unpleasant nuclear warheads headed towards Canada from the North.

- Despite the warmongering in Romania and Moldova (the former appears to be working towards assimilating the latter), it seems like the Russian PEACEKEEPING force there has been successful in preventing ethnic conflict; even the EU admits that Georgia started the war with Russia; Russia supported its ally in Syria, whom the US tried to overthrow, in part by funding and supporting jihadists; not sure how CAR, Mali, or the DRC are post-Soviet republics or how Russia will supposedly invade them, but certainly they are African countries whose natural resources have always been fought over and manipulated by a multitude of imperial forces, including the US and UK. Notably, it is a group of African nations that is making some efforts to encourage diplomacy in this war.

- Iraq war is a totally appropriate example. It is the prime case of the"rules based order" that Ukraine is fighting for - namely, the right of the United States and its lackeys to use lies to conduct brutal military interventions whenever they deem necessary.

- The United States supports any government it deems benefits its own interests, whether that is a military dictatorship like Egypt, a repressive kingdom like Saudi Arabia, or an apartheid state like Israel. It will overthrow any government and replace it with a more amenable figurehead, even if it's a democracy, and has done so repeatedly throughout history. And the glorious democracy that is the United States has repeatedly lied to justify its acts of invasion, torture, and economic warfare all over the world.

What's especially interesting to me is that in your blood red fury towards Putin (Russians?) you seem to be blind to disturbing authoritarian trends in your wonderful democracy (mass surveillance, censorship, and increasing investment in the military industrial complex at the cost of literally every other sector including education, environment protection, healthcare, and social services).

I will say though - at least you are honest that you do not give a shit about the Ukrainian and Russian people who are dying. I suppose as NATO becomes more involved, you will proudly attend the funerals of Canadian soldiers, and you won't question the senseless destruction of human life.

Last thing - I do mention the United States a lot, but that's only because Canada has relegated itself to holding America's sweaty, fat ballsack. In reality, Canada doesn't matter.

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Zhen: what absolute rubbish.

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The thing people have the most trouble getting about the Ukraine war is that there will be no diplomatic solution. People who understand why the war started understand that. This is an all out effort for the Atlantic empire to maintain its control. For Russia it is about survival as an independent nation. It is going until one or the other collapses. It is clear that the Atlanticist NATO side will fail first. At that point, the risk of a nuclear war will be greatest.

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I'm not thinking of diplomacy between Russia and the US though. I think this is where we see other nations play a significant role in shaping both the future of the region and of global politics.

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Sadly, any agreement needs a sign off from the major parties. Post election in the US we *could* see a deal. Canada ought to (as you stated) play a major diplomatic role as we did during the (first?) cold War. Today we're merely a parrot of the Americans as Belarus is to Russia. Biden "vamoosed" out of Afghanistan so suing for peace right now is politically impossible. But we put impossible demands upon Ukraine stating that we need progress against a first class military without air support or we will stop support. The Ukrainians are getting slaughtered with their recent offensive, though their government puts on a brave face. Some esimated are about 20k men dead in the last few weeks? They are desperate and we can't be bothered.

I posted here b/c James posted your post on Moon of Alabama btw. I blame him! : )

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