When I was in college I took a mandatory computer class and on our first test one of the questions was “What is a search engine? Name three examples:” I put down AltaVista, Lycos and Google. The prof marked me X for Google because it was so new he didn’t even know what it was.

I read most of the major papers and only have subscriptions to some of the independent publications. Library card gives me access to everything I need through Press Reader and ProQuest.

I use RSS feeds and newsletters to stay on top of everything. My main browser is DuckDuckGo unless I’m doing reverse image searches, I use Yandex.

Gen Z uses TikTok to search for news, YouTube is the second biggest search engine and before it recently turned sour Reddit was one of the best places to find the answer to anything.

Educating people to use libraries again is the best way to solve this.

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The subscription the Globe and Mail is $8 / week, the "intro" rate is $2/ week. Which when you see that $36 bill you have to think about it.

As a technologist, I think about how we consume news.

- Directed reading: Visiting the Globe & Mail websites/apps directly

- Discovery: Some share on social media (or blogs)

- Historical: You want to reference some news item that isn't current

No Google (or I'm assuming Bing soon) we're not going to be able to easily find historical news, which is going to make it harder for us to know history outside of "official" channels. Discovery hits Facebook at Twitter since sharing is going to be impacted, so it will be harder to find out what's going on outside your approved media.

At best the carve out in C18 won't impact small news organization / focused news organizations. If there is a way to create small news in Canada that would be awesome.

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I feel so cynical about this whole issue. On the one hand we have the big tech companies that can afford to take the hit of not sharing Canadian news on their platforms. On the other hand we have the Canadian media monopolies that would take the payments from Google and Meta and just continue closing local newspapers and laying off reporters.

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Yes it's the opposite of a shit sandwich as sweet little us are in the middle.

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No kidding.

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