What does one even wear … dare i suggest a keffiyeh 😌

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Why not? Hamas Trash fashion is clearly taking over from Gangsta Hip.

I suggest you wear a Ukrainian flag like a cape, to finish this classy outfit.

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New Age health ... is that woke for wellness info that is not Big Pharma biased? Like believing in vitamin and mineral supplements? Or the power of the breath and exercise to alleviate pain and injury?

And religion! The nerve ... what sort of anti-Darwin quacks believe in religion these days? We have terrorists and fancy hot drinks to idolize now. Who needs God and prayer when we have social media? Bah!

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Thanks so much for your video about a hugely important issue. The near total silence of the media amounts to censorship.

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Hi Nora - Community Solidarity Ottawa sent out a PSA that the International Food and Drink expo is organized by the far right. https://mailchi.mp/c927238c3d3d/community-safety-alert-for-lansdowne-area?e=d838444115

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Hey, thanks for sending this. I had no idea and was booked months ago before there was any programming announced. They also asked if i'd organize a few panels, which I didn't have time for, so all I could do was suggest a few names.

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