Can it be? Are there really those who would deny that a massacre took place in Israel on October 7th? Have they not seen the ghastly evidence? Do they think this is fabricated?

Even Pallywood can not achieve such realism.


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Hamas, in their own words: "Jews first, then Christians..."


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Looking for some good summer reading?

Time for everybody to read Houellebecq's "Submission"...


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Leftist coalition win France election, ensuring the nation's prominent collapse into chaos from further immigration devastation and the rising tide of antisemitism.

In 2015, George Soros published the plan (known as The Project Syndicate Publication) which has been implemented across the globe to bring millions of illegals into the United States and into Europe. Essentially the plan is to make North America and the EU into "refugee" asylum sanctuaries. The endgame is globalist control over failed nation states.

This election win in France is a big win for his Project Syndicate plan. Have a read, the plan as presented by George Soros himself, in 2015:


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Sometimes I reread the Hamas Covenant of 1988 in order to justify their noble intentions in Gaza.

If you haven't yet, be sure to give it a read. It is so very clarifying.


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Let my people in?

Egypt is building a new walled buffer zone more than 2 miles wide on Gaza border, satellite images show


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Unmasking Iran’s strategy to take over the Middle East

"Funding proxy terror armies, exploiting religious fervor and manipulating the rules of war are among Tehran’s underhanded tactics to achieve regional supremacy; however, the mullah regime’s scheme may now face its first real test..."


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Okay, how about a laugh break! We could use one.

Here's Daniel Ryan-Spaulding doing a spoof on college reunions in 2040. This is truly LOL funny!


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What real journalists do.

Remember Trump's remarks in the Great Debate with Biden, about the horribly sad outcome for the US in Afghanistan? He was speaking truth. Then VP to Obama, Biden led an early withdrawal from Afghanistan that left 40 million Afghans facing deadly retribution from returning Taliban platoons. Many of those brave, deserted Afghans had put their lives at risk to ally with US and allied forces in their mission vs. the Taliban.

Canada followed the US lead and shares responsibility for abandoning the Afghans to a desperate situation, one that would cost them many lives. You can read a little bit of Terry Glavin's first-hand experience here. One of Canada's finest political and war correspondents:


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Fascinating to compare journalists, Terry vs. Nora ... compare and contrast how Terry writes about war, from first-hand reporting, and actual accounts, including grief-stricken details, vs. how Nora writes about war, from the couch, referencing social media, whining about genocide and colonizers.

Now consider for yourselves: How does Nora's "journalism" compare to Terry Glavin's journalism?

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Just another day at an Israeli checkpoint in Judea.


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Palestinian religious leader describes how Muslims will take over France and impose sharia laws. He also explains why the Christians and the Jews will either submit to Islam or die.

"...To turn France into an Islamic country...What we are counting on is that Muslims must have a country that will bring Islam -- its guidance, its lights, its message, and its mercy -- to the people (of the West) through Jihad for the sake of Allah..."


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